World Obesity Federation confirms “obesity is a chronic disease”

Published online: May 11, 2017 News
Viewed 1065 time(s)

In a statement published Wednesday in the leading journal Obesity Reviews, the World Obesity Federation confirms its support for defining obesity as a chronic, relapsing disease.

The statement was prepared by a scientific committee of the federation which concluded that obesity fits the epidemiological model of a disease process except that the toxic or pathological agent is diet-related rather than a microbe.

The question of whether obesity should be called a "disease" has sparked controversy for most of the last century. In their Obesity Reviews position statement, Dr George Bray and his colleagues examine how an abundance of food, low physical activity, and several other environmental factors interact with genetic susceptibility. They draw parallels to chronic diseases, noting that the magnitude of obesity and its adverse effects in individuals may relate to the virulence or toxicity of the environment and its interaction with the host.

“Accepting the concept that obesity is a chronic disease process is important for several reasons,” said Dr. Bray. “First, it removes the feeling that patients alone are responsible for their excess weight. It also focuses attention on the ways in which this disease process can be tackled. And finally, it shows that if we can successfully treat obesity, many of its associated diseases will be eliminated.”
