SipcamRotam launches ReTurn

Published online: May 10, 2017 News
Viewed 1144 time(s)

SipcamRotam announced the launch of ReTurn, a new broad-spectrum oxamyl-based crop protection product, formulated to control various sucking and chewing insects and nematodes.

ReTurn is labeled by the EPA as an insecticide/nematicide for systemic control of numerous above-ground and below-ground pests. ReTurn can be applied pre-plant, at planting and in-season with applications made by ground, air or chemigation equipment.

ReTurn suppresses various nematode species which threaten crops’ yield and quality. For the past two growing seasons, the U.S. market has experienced a shortage of oxamyl products, leaving growers without adequate tools to manage nematode infestations. SipcamRotam worked closely with the EPA to facilitate fast tracking the registration of ReTurn to support growers as they face increasing crop protection challenges.
