Iowa ag secretary to speak at Montag Nutrient Placement Conference

Published online: Nov 26, 2014
Viewed 1660 time(s)

On Jan. 21, Montag Manufacturing, as part of its 10th Anniversary Celebration, will host the Inaugural Nutrient Placement Conference at the Regional Events Center in Spencer, Iowa.

The full-day program will feature Bill Northey, Iowa secretary of agriculture, speaking about how nutrient reduction effects the environment. Other speakers and roundtable participants will include Davis Michaelsen from Pro Farmer, Jeff Reints – Shell Rock, IA Farmer / Strip-Tiller of 20+ years, Roger Montag, President and Founder of Montag Manufacturing, Inc, and Brandon Grubbs – Montag Dealer / Farmer / Strip-Tiller of 15 years.

A complimentary lunch will be provided by Montag.

Please register early as we are only able to accommodate a certain number of attendees. You may register online at or you can download a registration form from our website. Simply fill out the form and email or fax back to Montag. If you need assistance or have questions, please call us at 712-852-4572 or email us at