SipcamAdvan Supports the Sugar Industry

Published online: Jul 14, 2009 SipcamAdvan
Viewed 1880 time(s)
Latest research again demonstrates that Eminent protects yield, sugar content and ROI. Durham, NC: New research demonstrates Eminent 125 SL is the number one triazole choice for sugarbeet growers. Eminent 125 SL continues to deliver very high grower satisfaction when used for Cercospora leaf spot control in sugarbeet. Research from NDSU and University of Minnesota fungicide trials demonstrate in side-by-side comparisons of programs with triazoles as the first application, Eminent provides the best ROI through maximum pounds/acre recoverable sucrose.[1] In a recent survey of fungicide use, 99 percent of the growers surveyed reported good to excellent control with Eminent.[2] "In addition to working quickly as the initial spray of the season to prevent Cercospora leaf spot, some of the Eminent fungicide remains in the crown area of the sugarbeet plant." explains Giovanni Mattaini, Product Manager for Eminent. "The fungicide continues to be taken up and redistributed - protecting new growth offering growers both preventative and curative results". A new EPA-approved label for Eminent grants sugarbeet producers the flexibility to apply Eminentr 125SL Fungicide and plant back to small grains 45 days later. The updated label is most important to growers who plant a winter small grain crop following sugarbeet harvest. About Eminent Eminent is very efficacious against Cercospora leaf spot on sugarbeets as the first fungicide spray of the season. Eminent is a triazole fungicide containing the active ingredient tetraconazole. Due to the systemic nature of tetraconazole, Eminent 125SL rapidly distributes in the plant crown and to new leaves as they form. A highly selective fungicide, Eminent is an excellent tank mix partner and offers 3-4 days systemic curative acidity. In addition to cercospora leaf spot, Eminent 125SL is labeled for the control of powdery mildew and ramularia in sugarbeets. About SipcamAdvan SipcamAdvan is owned by the Sipcam-Oxon Group, an Italian company recognized worldwide for its formulation and manufacturing expertise. SipcamAdvan uses a distribution-focused marketing strategy to provide traditional chemical and biorational products to the agriculture, turf and ornamental, home and garden, and pest management markets in the U.S. and Mexico. The company is headquartered in Durham, North Carolina.