Belchim Herbicide Receives Special Local Needs Registration For Sugarbeets

Published online: Jun 07, 2023 News
Viewed 335 time(s)

Belchim Crop Protection USA has announced Spin-Aid Herbicide (active ingredient in phenmedipham) has received a 24(c) for use in sugarbeets in Minnesota and North Dakota (Pembina, Walsh, Grand Forks, Traill, Cass and Richland counties).

With the support and cooperation from Dr. Tom Peters, Extension Sugarbeet Agronomist; Weed Control Specialist at North Dakota State University and the University of Minnesota, the company was able to get data to support the 24(c) request in sugarbeets.

Tom Wood, President and General Manager of Belchim USA, shares, “With the Spin-Aid 24(c) label, it is now the ONLY registered product containing phenmedipham for use on sugarbeets, providing sugarbeet growers with a post-emergence option to control kochia and lambsquarters.”

North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, stated “In many areas, kochia has demonstrated resistance and is very difficult to control. In crops such as sugarbeets, growers rely on soil-applied herbicides that require rainfall or tillage to be effective. This SLN gives these growers an alternative product when early treatments are unsuccessful.”

Users must comply with all restrictions, precautions and directions found on the container label and the SLN labeling. A copy of the labeling must be in the user’s possession at the time of application.