Early Sugarbeet Planting Figures Show 3 Percent Drop In Acreage

Published online: Jul 03, 2024 Feature
Viewed 372 time(s)

According to USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service numbers in early July, planted sugarbeet acreage in 2024 is down 3 percent compared to last year.

The biggest drops in acreage come from the Red River Valley states of Minnesota and North Dakota, which saw a drop of 19,000 and 18,000 acres, respectively.

The biggest acreage gain comes in Wyoming, which added 3,000 acres of sugarbeets in 2024.

In fact, Minnesota and North Dakota were the only two states which experienced a drop in sugarbeet acreage; the other nine states had increases. But even with those increases in the other nine states, the overall U.S. sugarbeet acreage still dropped a modest 3 percent overall.

Here is the breakdown from the 11 sugarbeet producing states: 

                                    2024                2023                Difference      Difference

                                                                                    Acres              Percentage

California                   23,000             23,000             0                      0

Colorado                    25,000             23,200             1,800               8%

Idaho                          177,000           175,000           2,000               2%

Michigan                    135,000           133,000           2,000               2%

Minnesota                  423,000           442,000           (19,000)           (5%)

Montana                     24,000             23,700             300                  2%

Nebraska                    47,000             46,700             300                  1%

North Dakota             211,000           229,000           (18,000)           (8%)

Oregon                        11,000             10,800             200                  2%

Washington                2,000               2,000               0                      0

Wyoming                    32,000             29,000             3,000               11%

U.S. Totals                 1,110,000        1,137,400        (27,400)           (3%)