Galileo CupWheel: Leading The Airless Irrigation Tire Revolution

Published online: May 26, 2024 New Products
Viewed 510 time(s)

Since its launch several years ago, Galileo CupWheel has been at the forefront of revolutionizing pivot irrigation systems with its specialized tire technology. After extensive testing and successful implementation worldwide, these innovative tires are now readily available in the USA.

Airless Pivot Tires IrriCup By Galileo Wheel 

Pivot irrigation systems are the backbone of modern agriculture, demanding reliability and efficiency to sustain crop life. Each day of the growing season holds critical importance, with any interruption in irrigation risking significant damage and reduced yields. Traditional tires often lead to downtime due to mud entrapment and disintegration issues, prompting growers to seek alternatives like airless solutions and track systems. However, these alternatives often create deep ruts and cause mechanical wear on pivot components.

Enter Galileo’s airless IrriCup, a pivot tire, designed to address these challenges comprehensively. Featuring a unique concave sidewall design, extended footprint and a 100 percent airless structure, it ensures zero downtime and eliminates the risk of mud entrapment. The tire’s accordion-like configuration effortlessly navigates terrain irregularities. It’s literally the tire that works like a track.

Galileo’s IrriCup tires have undergone extensive field trials, surpassing the performance of other airless solutions under extreme conditions.

Galileo’s tires are approved by Valley and offered through Valley dealers, as well as being available through numerous Zimmatic and Reinke dealers.

Their rubber airless construction provides flotation and functions like a track, while also protecting the drive train and minimizing gearbox damage with their rubber flex technology. These tires work seamlessly on corner spans and come pre-assembled, ready to install without hassle. Completely airless, they require zero maintenance, ensuring peace of mind for growers.

Galileo CupWheel continues to lead the way in enhancing crop productivity and efficiency through its innovative tire solutions, empowering growers worldwide.

Galileo IrriCup airless pivot tires are available in 2 popular sizes: 14.9-24 and 11.2-38. Tires are compatible with all famous pivot brands: Valley, Lindsay/Zimmatic, Reinke and others.

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