The Future Of Diesel Engines And What Else Is On The Horizon

Published online: Feb 05, 2024 Video
Viewed 674 time(s)

During the annual American Sugarbeet Growers Association meeting this week, Cummins New Product Development Director RaNae Isaak gave an interesting and insightful presentation on the future of heavy-duty engines and what is looming on the horizon for growers when it comes to what might be powering their farm equipment in the years to come.

That includes not only electric but hydrogen, fuel cell and other potential power sources for on- and off-farm vehicles.

Isaak grew up on a farm in southeast Idaho and has been with Cummins for nearly 18 years.

This is just a short snippet from Isaak’s presentation. Her entire presentation is on our Facebook page here:

Also, the American Sugar Alliance wrote a nice feature on Isaak a couple of years ago. That’s here: