Vive Crop Protection Introduces Phobos FC Fungicide For Enhanced Cercospora Leaf Spot Protection In Sugarbeets

Published online: Jan 22, 2024 New Products
Viewed 502 time(s)

Vive Crop Protection Inc. announces the launch of Phobos FC, a foliar fungicide, designed to bring unparalleled results to sugarbeet growers facing the challenges of Cercospora leaf spot.

Phobos FC fungicide combines Vive’s Allosperse Delivery Technology with prothioconazole, to provide superior protection against Cercospora leaf spot while delivering maximum yield and sugar content. Using patented nano-polymers, Allosperse optimizes the active ingredient, enabling targeted placement for more uniform disease protection.

“We are thrilled with our 2023 field trial results where Phobos FC is not only meeting but exceeding the Proline fungicide market standard for disease protection,” states David Reif, Vive’s Northern Technical Sales Agronomist. "Phobos FC fungicide represents a breakthrough in our commitment to delivering real results to growers. By harnessing the power of Precision Chemistry, we are providing sugarbeet growers with a cutting-edge solution to effectively manage Cercospora leaf spot and maximize sugar content at the end of the season."

Phobos FC is recommended as part of a foliar application program anywhere from the 8-leaf stage to pre-harvest, for defense against this notorious fungal disease.

Vive Crop Protection invites sugarbeet growers, COIs, and agricultural enthusiasts to explore the exciting potential of Phobos FC fungicide for the 2024 growing season.

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