Farmers Could See Warmer, Wetter Weather Entering Planting Season

Published online: Mar 25, 2020 News Tyne Morgan
Viewed 606 time(s)
Source: AgProfessional

Farmers looking for a weather reprieve in the wet weather pattern many areas are seeing won’t get a break in moisture anytime soon. Meteorologist Mike Hoffman shows the rootzone moisture map each week, and week after week, the blue area seems to expand.

While he’s concerned about the persistent moisture, a commonality between this year an dlast year, the longer-range forecast shows warmer temps than last year over the next 30 days.

“Over the next 30 days, I’m going with below normal temperatures for the Western Plains and Northern Rockies, above normal though for most of the areas east of the Mississippi River and then southward from the Gulf Coast area and into Texas.”

While temperatures will be warmer in some areas, it will also be a wetter weather pattern that weighs on producers wanting to get in the field.

More short-term, Hoffman says the jet stream shows weaker storm systems will move across the country through the middle of this week, but by late week, more active weather could be brewing.

“Then we see the troph develop out West by the end of the week again, and that will start to come eastward, also,” says Hoffman.