A Matter Of A Few Miles

Published online: Jun 15, 2022 News
Viewed 428 time(s)

It’s interesting what a difference a few miles can make when it comes to agriculture and growing a crop.

We made a trip from eastern Idaho to the Magic Valley, located in southcentral Idaho, this week and as we were driving around, we were paying particular attention to the sugarbeet fields.

As we were working our way back from the Magic Valley to eastern Idaho, we drove through Aberdeen, which is between American Falls and Blackfoot east of American Falls Reservoir. Again, we were paying particular attention to the sugarbeet fields.

From Burley, in the Magic Valley, to Aberdeen it’s about 70 miles; less as the crow flies. But the weather is traditionally a little warmer in the Magic Valley than up by Aberdeen, even though Aberdeen is less than 250 feet higher in elevation.

The beet crop, while a little behind in both areas due to a cool spring, is farther ahead in the Magic Valley near Burley compared to around Aberdeen. Of course we don’t know any particular planting or growing circumstances of either place so that would have something to do with the status of the crops.

The first four photos are from the same Magic Valley field while the last four photos are from two different fields near Aberdeen, one south of town and one north of town.