Irrigation Show 2020 Canceled

Published online: Jun 01, 2020 News
Viewed 502 time(s)

Today, the Irrigation Association announced the cancellation of the 2020 Irrigation Show & Education Week, previously scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 4 in San Antonio. The official release is as follows:

It is with both regret and optimism that we write today to announce the cancellation of the 2020 Irrigation Show & Education Week, scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 4 in San Antonio.

After thoroughly examining our options, the IA Board of Directors determined that we just cannot guarantee the positive and rewarding experience that our attendees and exhibitors have come to enjoy each year. A successful Irrigation Show relies on in-person networking, face-to-face business meetings and hands-on instruction that will simply not be possible, given the continued social distancing measures that we anticipate will still be in place through the remainder of this year.

However, challenges and obstacles tend to open doors for innovation. With this in mind, in the coming weeks we will be revealing those aspects of the Irrigation Show and Education Week that we can deliver to you safely and virtually, to the comfort of your home or office. We will be working with our exhibitors to still offer opportunities to connect, delivering information on cutting-edge technologies, products and services. A favorite among attendees and exhibitors alike, our new product contest this year will be conducted virtually, with plenty of opportunities for you to see and learn about the technologies being considered for this year’s awards.

With respect to IA’s acclaimed education and certification offerings, we are developing the IA’s first-ever virtual Education Week, including the IA University classes normally offered in person. While the schedule for the classes will be announced soon, they will still be held during the week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4.

In addition, beginning this summer, we will be offering regular webinars and other opportunities for you to continue your educational journey, learning about the latest research and best practices in irrigation and business. Please watch our website at where information will be posted as it becomes available.

This has been a trying time for us all. Please know that while our show may be canceled, the IA continues its mission to promote efficient irrigation. We will be sending out more information to our exhibitors and supporters on how to continue investing in the IA’s efforts in lieu of a 2020 Irrigation Show, including many new virtual marketing opportunities. While the challenges facing us all are strong, our resolve is stronger. We are a resilient industry with a bright future ahead.

While we will “see” you virtually throughout the remainder of this year, we look forward to greeting each and every one of you in person at the 2021 Irrigation Show and Education Week in San Diego, Dec. 6-10, 2021. Until then, stay safe, stay positive and continue doing the essential work that is so critical to our society.



Jon Topham, CAIS, CID

2019-2020 President, Irrigation Association

COO, Irrigation Design & Construction LLC


Deborah Matterson Hamlin, CAE, FASAE

CEO, Irrigation Association