IA commends Sens. Udall and Portman for introducing the Water Efficiency Improvement Act of 2017

Published online: Aug 02, 2017 News
Viewed 1340 time(s)

With the EPA’s WaterSense program currently under consideration for elimination, Sens. Tom Udall and Rob Portman stepped up to the plate by introducing the Water Efficiency Improvement Act of 2017 to authorize the program.

Udall and Portman now join various other members of Congress, from both parties, in supporting this program that requires congressional authorization before it is able to receive direct funding from Congress. 

The Water Efficiency Improvement Act of 2017 is the first bill that strictly focuses on authorization, without any spending limits attached to the program. The bill authorizes the WaterSense program to identify and promote water-efficient products, buildings, facilities, processes and services under the following categories:

* irrigation technologies and services

* point-of-use water treatment devices

* plumbing products

* reuse and recycling technologies

* landscaping and gardening products, including moisture control or water-enhancing technologies

* whole-house humidifiers

* water-efficient buildings or facilities

Source: www.irrigation.org