Bayer, Rothamsted enter agreement to further digital agriculture

Published online: Aug 02, 2017 News
Viewed 1283 time(s)

Bayer and Rothamsted Research will collaborate in scientific areas to support the development of customized agronomic solutions for farmers.

The two are forming this strategic alliance to support a digital revolution for detecting and managing biotic threats such as pests, pathogens and weeds more sustainably. Coordinated activities in the laboratory and in the field will generate the data, know-how, tools and technologies that help to support a transition to smarter crop protection.

Bayer and Rothamsted Research will work together in a number of research areas: from real-time detection of pests in the environment to understanding the evolution of resistance; and from the identification of new modes of action of insecticides to novel approaches to controlling pests.

"The strategic alliance with Rothamsted will help us find further sustainable solutions for the challenges that we face in modern agriculture. Bundling the expertise, know-how and exchange of ideas will lead to further innovation in our company," said Dr. Adrian Percy, Global Head of Research and Development at Crop Science, a division of Bayer.

"At the heart of our research lies the need to feed a growing world population in a more sustainable manner," said Achim Dobermann, Director and Chief Executive of Rothamsted. "Although research institutions such as ours can contribute much in addressing that challenge, we need to partner with others, including industry, to achieve real breakthroughs and have bigger impacts. This alliance will provide us with a whole new opportunity to work together on complex challenges, towards making farming more precise, more productive … and more sustainable." 
