Peterson, Stabenow discuss sugar talks

Published online: Jun 13, 2017 News
Viewed 1078 time(s)

Lawmakers from the nation’s largest sugarbeet producing regions say more work needs to be done to protect farmers after this week’s sugar negotiations between Mexico and the U.S.

The Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee Collin Peterson of Minnesota says the deal is an improvement over current agreements, but loopholes remain that keep the door open to sugar dumping. He says Mexico and sugar users could annually petition for excess refined sugar to be allowed into the United States, and strict monitoring and enforcement of the agreement needs to continue.

The Ranking Member of the Senate Ag Committee Debbie Stabenow of Michigan says sugar farmers still have concerns about the agreement and encourages negotiators to work with them to make improvements as the details are finalized.

Phillip Hayes with the American Sugar Alliance says the loophole gives Mexico the upper hand and their organization plans to work with the Trump Administration to allow USDA to effectively manage the sugar program.

Minnesota is the nation’s largest sugarbeet producer, followed by Idaho, North Dakota and Michigan.
