Idaho AG thinks it’s illegal to sell aerial fireworks here — so why do we allow it?

Published online: Jun 29, 2017 News
Viewed 1074 time(s)

Since it is the eve of the Fourth of July weekend, it must be time yet again to remind the Idaho Legislature that its inconsistent, wink-and-nod policy of allowing the sale of aerial fireworks to unpermitted individuals is neither safe nor sane.

If nobody ever purchased these fireworks and misused them… well, I think we know better than that.

Friday marks the anniversary of the June 2016 Table Rock Fire, a blackened scar on our Boise Foothills history that burned 2,500 acres, destroyed Van Danielson’s home and possessions, and endangered thousands of residents. This came about because of a young man’s careless use of aerial fireworks — illegal to use in this state and doubly so in the Foothills, where all fireworks are prohibited. Taylor Kemp received jail time and was ordered to pay $391,790 in damages.

Community leaders who recognize that this kind of incident — or much worse — could happen again are trying to do something about it, and I’m with them. Boise Fire Chief Dennis Doan got things rolling last year as the damage was being assessed, pointing out that we are literally playing with fire in Idaho if we continue to allow the sale of aerial fireworks in some Idaho counties (they are banned in Ada County) to people who then use them indiscriminately.
