Few changes needed for organic section on Farm Bureau policy book

Published online: Mar 14, 2017 News
Viewed 1447 time(s)

The chairwoman of Farm Bureau’s Organic and Direct Marketing Committee says a review of the Federation policy book shows few changes are necessary.

Minnesota farmer Carolyn Olson tells Brownfield those serving on the committee are either organic producers, direct marketers, or both.

“What we were tasked to do is kind of look at the policy and see if there’s anything contradictory; anything that should be sent back to the states that might need clarification.  And also to help staff understand what some of the terms meant.”

The meetings were part of Farm Bureau’s Advocacy Conference in Washington, D.C. last month.

It was the first opportunity to go over organic policies voted on by delegates during the AFBF Convention in January.

“There were very few changes recommended.  There were some, and the committee was tasked with a little homework to see how they could improve wording of a few of the policies, especially on the organic section.”

Olson says following review, recommendations are submitted to Farm Bureau’s resolutions committee for consideration during the next annual meeting.

Source: brownfieldagnews.com