Syngenta offers artificial intelligence competition

Published online: Feb 10, 2017 News
Viewed 1981 time(s)

A spokesman for Syngenta says the company has created a competition to bring artificial intelligence technology to agriculture.

Joseph Bryum says the goal of the Syngenta AI Challenge is to improve plant breeding and genetic selection through mathematical problem solving.

“Agriculture is long over do for a revolution in mathematics. Data and data sciences will define and drive agriculture for the decades to come.”

Bryum says the first challenge will focus on soybean improvements.

“This is taking in all of the genetic information we have on specifically on soybeans and all the environmental data which includes many, many weather attributes and soil attributes and trying to figure out a way to select those varieties that have the highest potential yield across a broader array of environments.”

He says data science in agriculture is continuing to evolve and only expected to improve as the industry works to feed a growing world sustainably.
