Farmers must urge Hispanic employees not to panic

Published online: Nov 09, 2016 News
Viewed 1750 time(s)

Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump has touted extreme immigration reform. His thoughts have included mass deportation, a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and more. It’s imperative for farmers to ensure their Hispanic employees don’t panic should he be elected.

“It is important to remind employees there is no need to make a quick decision or do anything at this time. Regardless of who is elected president, they won’t be inaugurated until January 20th, 2017,” the American Dairy Coalition said in a statement on Friday.

The coalition says it’s unlikely the Senate could find the 60 votes needed for “for a bill of this nature” to pass. In addition, ADC says ICE and Homeland security don’t have the staff or money needed to execute mass deportation of immigrants.

In addition, there's a good chance Trump wouldn't focus on immigration in his first 100 days in office. Farmers should encourage employees a wait and see approach is best at this time.
