Idaho ag groups protest Clif Bar foundation’s "Mr. Seed" video

Published online: Oct 19, 2016 News
Viewed 1613 time(s)

While Idaho’s agricultural community welcomes Clif Bar into its fold, Food Producers of Idaho wants the Clif Bar Family Foundation to know it is not happy with its “Mr. Seed” video that bashes conventional agriculture.

The video features a foul-mouthed animated character, the organic Mr. Seed, that depicts conventional agriculture as shady, producing “Pharm Food” and ruining the world with pesticides, performance-enhancing chemicals and GMO seed.

Mr. Seed wraps up the video saying “America, if you care about your food, the environment, your children or the future of all mankind ... you don’t have to buy everything those big agri-chemical companies are selling.”

Food Producers is sending a letter to the Clif Bar Family Foundation to register its dissatisfaction and ask that the video be removed from You Tube and other outlets. It also invites foundation officials to join with the organization in a productive dialogue to understand the different facets of today’s agriculture.
