Trade discord and GMO controversy may sour sugar business

Published online: Sep 06, 2016 News
Viewed 1142 time(s)

Although beet sugar is identical to cane sugar on a molecular level, it does not qualify as a non-GMO ingredient.

Some pressure on the sugar industry was relieved when President Obama signed bipartisan legislation to enact a consistent national standard for GMO labeling in late July. The federal law would not require GMO labeling on refined beet sugar because, according to the FDA, they don't meet the law's definition of "bioengineering" and may not contain genetic material.

Even without the problems facing refiners, the sugar industry is at a precarious spot. Dietary Guidelines for Americans has recommended that no more than 10% of daily calories come from added sugars, so the search for replacements has been ongoing. At the same time, many consumers are looking for options that are more healthy, so consumption of sugar is also dropping.
