How the GMO labeling law will affect Colorado shoppers

Published online: Sep 25, 2016 News
Viewed 1200 time(s)

A federal bill signed into law in July requires labeling of genetically modified foods, which are foods from plants or animals that have had genes copied from other plants or animals inserted into their DNA. If you're wondering how it’ll play out in Colorado, here’s what you need to know about the new law:

What does the law do?

It requires most food manufacturers (small manufacturers are exempt) to put a text label, symbol or QR code on food packaging indicating whether it contains genetically modified ingredients.

What still needs to be worked out?

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has two years to come up with exact labeling requirements. One point of contention is how to label products that contain things like soybean oil or beet sugar, two ingredients derived from genetically modified crops but that don’t contain any genetically modified material.
