Sugar-Coating Change: Supermarkets finding healthier future in better nutrition

Published online: Jul 14, 2016 News
Viewed 1238 time(s)

How much added sugar should a woman consume in a day?

At Marsh Supermarkets in Indiana, an on-staff dietitian will happily answer that question via personal email.

Expect more supermarket chains to offer such health-conscious services. Several national and regional chains, from Marsh to Kroger Co., are incorporating healthy-eating campaigns, staff and even food-rating systems into their overall store experiences. This move is causing the largest food manufacturers, including Kellogg, to scramble to meet higher nutrition expectations. So far, consumer demand is supporting the movement.

This trend has extended well beyond offering organic produce to scrutinizing the ingredients of packaged and processed foods that have become the staples of many kitchen tables. The move is likely propelled by the pending changes to U.S. Nutrition Facts labels in 2018 – the first in 20 years.

Or perhaps regulatory changes are simply supporting consumer demand. Either way, supermarket chains are assuming a more interactive role in healthy-eating campaigns, and as they do so their food suppliers are being pressured to follow suit.
