Conaway supports Senate labeling bill

Published online: Jul 11, 2016 News
Viewed 1067 time(s)

House Agriculture Committee chairman Mike Conaway said, despite reservations about the Senate-passed GMO labeling bill, he will support its passage in the House.

In a statement released Friday, Conaway said he is concerned with how the USDA will implement the legislation that Conaway said is “riddled with ambiguity."

He said he also disagrees with “federally mandating the disclosure of information that has absolutely nothing to do with nutrition, health or safety."

But Conaway adds, “It is my expectation that this legislation will be considered on the House floor next week, and it is my intention to support this bill."

The bill’s passage in the House is not a given.

According to Politico, Republican leaders face the challenge of getting the legislation approved without losing too much support from conservatives who will object to mandatory GMO disclosure or who may insist on amendments being allowed. Any changes to the bill would send the bill back to the Senate, dooming any chance of getting it enacted before the fall, if then.
