Soda makers tout real sugar

Published online: Apr 15, 2016 News
Viewed 1569 time(s)

What’s the new secret ingredient in soft drinks these days? Sugar. Soda companies are promoting beverages made with “real sugar” to appeal to consumer interest in natural ingredients, The Wall Street Journal reports.

For example, PepsiCo recently unveiled a line of soda inspired by its original formula created in 1893 with—you guessed it—real sugar. All this emphasis on sugar comes as the latest attempt by soft drink makers to spur slow sales.

“If you had asked me a few years ago, people were moving to diet sodas. Now they view real sugar as good for you,” said Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo. “They are willing to go to organic non-GMO products even if [they have] high salt, high sugar, high fat.”

With fewer people guzzling soft drinks, including diet soda, companies are scrambling to reach younger consumers, who pay more attention to the nutrition labels and want natural and organic ingredients.

“The No. 1 fixation on food companies’ minds is ‘clean label’: natural ingredients and shorter ingredient lists that look like you made it at home,” said Lu Ann Williams with Innova Market Insights. “Consumers do not use high fructose corn syrup at home.”
