Pulse Aerospace enters ag arena

Published online: Apr 11, 2016 News
Viewed 1432 time(s)

With more than a decade of research and development behind the company and its products, Pulse Aerospace recently introduced an unprecedented level of UAS (unmanned aircraft system) technology to the agricultural industry.

The Pulse system is based on the company’s Vapor unmanned air vehicle, which combines the world's most advanced autopilot with an FAA-compliant, military grade, all-electric, unmanned helicopter for commercial, research, security … and, now, agricultural applications.

Available in two models, the Vapor 35 has a main rotor diameter of 65 inches and an allowable payload of 5 pounds, while the Vapor 55 has a rotor diameter of 90 inches and a 10-pound payload. Yet, both machines deliver up to one hour of flight time on a single battery charge, while offering a flight ceiling of 12,000 feet and a datalink range of up to five miles.

In other words, the Vapor can be programmed to fly a back-and-forth pattern across an entire field—mapping the area, scouting for problems or monitoring security—and return to the base without any additional operator input.

The Vapor UAS may soon allow producers to identify problem weed areas or insect infestations from the air using an infrared camera and spot-spray target areas with an on-board payload.
