Minnesota Farmers Union supports food companies labeling GMOs

Published online: Apr 05, 2016 News
Viewed 1225 time(s)

The Minnesota Farmers Union is applauding major food companies who are voluntarily labeling products with GMO ingredients.

President Doug Peterson says leading brands like General Mills, Nestle and Kellogg have taken the correct step given the lack of a uniform national labeling standard.

“You need to label GMO’s. Our membership has said that labeling GMO’s and identifying them is part and parcel to identifying food.”

He tells Brownfield GMO foods have been proven safe and should be listed on labels because consumers have a right to know.

“Another piece is we had nothing but resistance when we had nutrition and calorie labels being put on food before this. So this is just standard push-back by industry.”

Peterson says the Farmers Union continues to support development of a national mandatory GMO labeling rule.

A Vermont law requiring GMO notification on all package labels in the state goes into effect July 1 as U.S. senators continue to deliberate potential uniform national legislation.

Source: www.brownfieldagnews.com