House expected to vote to kill WOTUS rule

Published online: Jan 11, 2016 News
Viewed 1622 time(s)

The House is expected to vote this week on a whether to kill EPA’s Clean Water Rule, formerly known as Waters of the U.S.

House Joint Resolution 59 was introduced by Nebraska Rep. Adrian Smith and would nullify the rule which took effect in August. According to Agri-Pulse, Smith said the debate on the resolution “helps establish the record and bring the issue to the forefront.”

Last spring the House passed a bill that would have forced the administration to replace the rule and Smith expects the House to pass the disapproval resolution by a similar margin.

The resolution has 68 cosponsors.

A disapproval resolution passed the Senate in November, 53-44, short of the two-thirds majority needed to overturn a certain presidential veto.
