Exceptional year for Sidney Sugars

Published online: Jan 05, 2016 News
Viewed 2400 time(s)

SIDNEY, Mont.—For the second year in a row, Sidney Sugars completed a record harvest, averaging 32.3 tons per acre and 18.73 sugar for the 2015 season.

The crop was visually deceiving other than in the Savage area where they got an early start and no hail. "Other areas surprised us," agricultural manager Russ Fullmer said. Root samples were good with the tonnage estimate raised three times. The weather cooperated with warm, not too hot, days and cool nights in September. The new Roundup ready beets produce really well as long as they have moisture and heat.

Harvest was phenomenal according to Fullmer. Sugar just kept going up and up during the 20 days of digging. The last station was done Oct. 27.

Express Service supplied enough people to staff all the stations.

"The labor situation at the factory is a lot better," Fullmer said. Farmers had to fight the construction at the Sugar Valley, Fairview, station this year, but the new roundabout should make things smoother next year.

The beets are storing well so far with the consistent temperatures, even though it has been warmer than normal. The beets came in clean so the piles are clean, making them breath easier. Fresh air can also be pulled in to cool off the piles. Sidney Sugars growers had the highest percentage of sugar in the nation.

"We never imagined tonnage like this," Fullmer said. "We had 38 addendums which did over 40 tons per acre."

Sidney Sugars rewards them Top 10 growers each year in January.

"We have an individual in the Top 10 with 40 tons per acre and 19% sugar", Fullmer said.

There are also a couple of growers who will join the 20-20 Club, something that hasn't happened since 2007.

Sugar prices are rebounding especially compared to other crops grown in the valley.

"Beets are hard to raise and it takes a lot of money, but the rewards are worth it," Fullmer said.

Sidney Sugars has begun contract negotiations with the growers.

Source: www.roundupweb.com