Grassley: TPP vote may extend past 2016 elections

Published online: Nov 30, 2015 News
Viewed 1917 time(s)

Senate Ag Committee member Chuck Grassley of Iowa says he has not yet read the 3,000 pages of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement but from all reports he’s seen, it should be positive for agriculture.

“From what I’ve heard from agricultural people that have been following it for six years, it seems to me that I’m going to have to think of terms of helping agriculture with that issue—assuming that provisions dealing with manufacturing and services and intellectual property, environment and labor aren’t more disastrous than what the benefits are for agriculture,” Grassley says.

Grassley says it’s possible that Congressional action on TPP will extend beyond the 2016 elections.

“We can’t take it up much before March or April under the 90-day rule that it’s got to be on the Internet for the public to look at before we can vote on it,” he says.

Under fast-track authority, Congress can only vote up or down on the trade deal and will not be able to make amendments to the agreement.
