Challenge to feed world grows

Published online: Oct 16, 2015 News
Viewed 1290 time(s)

The Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) says in its latest report that global demand for food, fuel and fiber will nearly double by the year 2050.

GHI is a private sector agriculture collective effort to sustainably meet growing world demands. Since 2009, the initiative has been focused on the importance of agricultural productivity for global food security.

Each year they release a measure of that productivity called the GAP Report. Dr. Margaret Zeigler is executive director of Global Harvest. She says in just the next seven years per-capita income in developing countries will grow by 4.5 percent each year. That will create a revolutionary demand for meat, dairy, crops, horticulture, cotton and biofuels.

She says that will result in a “profound impact” on the demand for natural resources. More land will be brought into production, water demand will increase significantly resulting in more climate change.

Zeigler says with the combined efforts of farmers, companies, governments and society can develop sustainable agriculture which preserves the environment and supplies a decent standard of living for growers. Innovation, education and better farming practices can help farmers grow more nutritious foods while conserving land and water and improving lives.
