San Francisco floats soda warning labels on advertising

Published online: Mar 12, 2015
Viewed 1548 time(s)

SAN FRANCISCO (AP)—San Francisco could become the first city in the county to require warning labels on advertising for soda and other sugary beverages.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced new legislation Tuesday.

The legislation could go into effect in about three months.

Wiener’s proposal is modeled on a failed attempt at the state level last year. It was vehemently fought by the beverage industry.

Under the new plan, a retailer who allows soda advertising without warning labels in his or her store would have 30 days to remove the ads or face fines.

Weiner and two other city supervisors were backers of a 2-cents-per-ounce tax on soda and sugary drinks that went before voters in November and lost.

In the same election, in nearby Berkeley, Calif., became the first American city to pass a law taxing sugary drinks including sodas.
