Confectioners cheer hopped-up Easter profits

Published online: Apr 19, 2014
Viewed 1678 time(s)

By all accounts, these are sweet times to be in the candy business. Sales are up, business is expanding, sugar prices are down, and profit margins are plump.

But even by confectioners’ lofty standards, Easter is shaping up to be a blockbuster.

According to an April 9 press release by the National Confectioners Association:

"The Easter bunny is on his way, and he’s got a sweet tooth. Nearly 83 percent of parents plan to include candy and chocolate in their Easter baskets this year, according to a nationwide survey by the National Confectioners Association (NCA)…Total U.S. confectionery sales this Easter season are projected to be $2.26 billion – up four percent from 2013 – due to three extra weeks of merchandising. About 81 percent of survey respondents said they will share or gift candy during America’s favorite springtime holiday."

With all this sweet news, it makes you wonder why candy lobbyists are still on Capitol Hill complaining about U.S. sugar policy. Even at prices that are lower today than 30 years ago, it still doesn’t seem to satisfy Big Candy.
