USDA on smart snacks in school

Published online: Jul 08, 2013
Viewed 1916 time(s)

Healthier snacks during the school day are part of the USDA's implementation of the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act.

The standards are poised to go into effect this fall with nutrient-packed, leaner choices replacing junk foods at snack bars and in vending machines.

"(Like) skim milk. The sports drinks will have to be reduced calorie sports drinks: Vitamin water, things of that nature. The snacks - no more than 200 calories. We're really going to focus on snacks that have high nutritional value that don't have a lot of those empty calories that you often see."

That's Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack who says the standards will NOT be applied to treats that parents bring for school parties or to school concession stands.

"We want to make the healthy choice the easy choice here and that's really what this is about. It's about making sure that youngsters have a consistent message during the school day."
