No let up for national FFA officers

Published online: Feb 20, 2013
Viewed 1875 time(s)

For the 2012/2013 national FFA officers, traveling is just part of being a national officer.

Since elected last October, the national FFA officer team has been to Washington, D.C., for the inauguration and they've traveled to Japan as part of their international experience.

National FFA President, Clay Sapp of Florida, says it's a trip that had its challenges, the language barrier being one, but Clay says it's also a trip he'll never forget.

"Each officer went to a different home, so just seeing how those families loved and cared for us just like we were one of their own, just shows no matter where you are across the world, people still care for their families and friends and they still have the same wants and needs and desires that we do here," said Sapp.

National FFA Central Region Vice President, Brennan Costello of Nebraska, described the Japan trip as eye-opening.

"It was very eye opening how global our agriculture is, how things we do in Nebraska, or how we do things in the Midwest, how those actions affect people around the world," Costello said. "I'll definitely take away we live in a global agricultural industry and as I continue my career in agriculture to keep that in mind and let our members know about that as well."

Back now in the U.S., the national FFA officers are traveling the country this week celebrating National FFA Week.
