Exceptional drought still covers the Great Plains

Published online: Feb 12, 2013
Viewed 1623 time(s)

On the Plains, mild, dry weather still prevails.

According to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor, dated Feb. 5, exceptional drought (D4) covers at least one-quarter of Nebraska (77 percent), Oklahoma (40 percent), Kansas (36 percent), and South Dakota (30 percent).

Across the Corn Belt, a storm crossing the lower Great Lakes region is being absorbed by a stronger system near the Mid-Atlantic Coast. Widespread precipitation, mostly snow, is causing travel disruptions in the lower Great Lakes States.

In the South, wind-driven rain is developing along the southern Mid-Atlantic coast. Scattered showers dot the remainder of the Southeast, although significant rainfall is again bypassing Florida's peninsula.

In the West, cooler air and beneficial showers are overspreading the California and the Intermountain West. According to the California Department of Water Resources, the average water content of the high-elevation Sierra Nevada snow pack currently stands at 16 inches (about 80 percent of average), compared to 14 inches (140 percent) at the beginning of the year.

Source: brownfieldagnews.com