EPA announces 2013 biofuel requirements

Published online: Feb 04, 2013
Viewed 1401 time(s)

The Environmental Protection Agency has released its long-awaited proposed rule for 2013 Renewable Fuel Standard volumetric requirements.

The proposal waives the cellulosic biofuel requirement from one billion gallons to 14 million gallons, but retains overall advanced biofuel and renewable fuel requirements.

Ethanol backers were generally pleased with the EPA's announcement. Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen says the requirements will, in his words, "be the catalyst that finally compels oil companies to get serious about breaching the so-called blend wall."

Dinneen says those requirements will necessitate the use of more E15, E85 and other higher-level blends. ?

However, Dinneen is concerned that the proposed volume requirement for advanced biofuel could spur more imports of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol. ?

The American Petroleum Institute responded to the EPA announcement with another call for repeal of the RFS.

Source: brownfieldagnews.com