Finding the Value

Published in the February 2012 Issue Published online: Feb 13, 2012 Nancy Sanchez
Viewed 2007 time(s)

Sanchez visiting with John SchorrIn this issue we have begun a special column. We will get to hear from one of the sugar company ag directors with their timely and pertinent message.

John Schorr, Amalgamated Sugar Company corporate director of ag, delivers a valuable point about producing quality beets.

He reminds growers that soil testing is imperative to ensure the crop has proper nutrients. The continued use of "Best Management Practices" has been important along with keeping detailed records. In order to know what works best for your crop and field the best source is in the records kept year after year.

Schorr also shares the importance in supporting company crop consultants as well as research agronomists.

Attending grower meetings and conferences is paramount in gaining the latest knowledge from research and testing to help grow better crops.

The Snake River Sugar Beet Conference was held a month earlier which turned out to be a grand success.

Although it was a job for university researchers and scientists to get their trial results and research data put together for the conference, it was a win for all. I believe there were more attendees than ever in the last nine years that I have been attending.

And, there were some fun surprises as well such as drawings for prizes, mystery diseased beet contest, and beautiful driving weather.

Of course the presentations were very important and informative as well. It was a great crowd with top-notch presenters.

I look forward each season to visiting with growers, university experts, friends and making new acquaintances. It is a grand day to be involved in American agriculture.

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