Don't Worry, It's National Ag Day!

March 15

Published online: Mar 02, 2011 Feature Nancy Sanchez, Editor
Viewed 1966 time(s)
It's a good day to celebrate our American Heritage. Acknowledge and consider the blessings of our agricultural tradition. I am not trying to get all sugary with sweet sentiments, but seriously March needs a more refined celebration as we move into spring and shake off the winter blues. St. Patrick's Day, March 17, is a fine merriment where green comes out in splashing fashion. It is a day dedicated to the Irish and Irish at Heart. Admittedly I do have some Irish heritage and will pin a green shamrock on my sleeve so as not to get the traditional pinch I remember from my grade school days. Is that still a tradition? Nonetheless, it would be nice for school-age children to learn about National Ag Day as well. Educating our youngsters about how food, fiber and renewable resources are produced and the value of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy is essential today. Teaching our young people to appreciate the role that agriculture plays as it provides safe, abundant and affordable products. (For teenagers understanding that means food and clothes) Showing them career opportunities in agriculture is necessary. Examples of employment such as agribusiness, food science, processing, retail, farm production or energy. The purpose and program design of National Ag Day is that all American's should understand the value of agriculture in their daily lives. For increased knowledge of agriculture and nutrition allows individuals to make informed personal choices about diet and health. Informed citizens are then able to participate in establishing the policies that will support a competitive agricultural industry in this country and abroad and other fields. Agricultural literacy includes an understanding of agriculture's history and current economic, social and environmental significance to all Americans. To learn more about National Ag Day visit First Day of Spring, March 20