Leading with Confidence

Sweet Talk

Published in the November 2010 Issue Published online: Nov 06, 2010 Nancy Sanchez
Viewed 2033 time(s)

America has historically led the way worldwide in agriculture and crop production. Currently we are leading the sugarbeet industry through an extraordinary moment in history and witnessing unprecedented events.

However, what I find most fascinating is the tenacity and courage of our ag leaders.

Most notably Luther Markwart, ASGA Executive Vice President, as he and his staff lead on despite daunting circumstances, long hours in the office and media personnel such as myself nagging him for his column.

The Nov/Dec 2010 issue of Sugar Producer was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances in acquiring the ASGA message. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

It is a good idea to keep this issue nearby for future reference to the specific guidelines included on page 16-17.

Stay tuned, there is more to come in the next issue.

Below is a brief timeline for the Roundup Ready Sugarbeet Case found on the APHIS-USDA website at www.aphis.usda.gov/biotechnology/sugarbeet_case.shtml

Roundup Ready Sugarbeet Case Timeline



Established in 1972, the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) began with a mission "To protect the health and value of American agriculture and natural resources." In addition, APHIS provided a "Strategic Plan that outlines the goals, objectives, and performance measures that set the direction of APHIS' work. By keeping this plan in mind as work is done and decisions are made, APHIS can be certain to carry out its mission."

And there you have it.