IA 2nd Annual Water Conference, July 13-14, 2010

Published online: Apr 07, 2010 Irrigation Association
Viewed 1985 time(s)
IA will again bring strategists, academics, environmentalists and water managers together with irrigation practitioners for a dialogue on the world's water challenges and our industry's role as part of the solution. Based on the positive feedback from our inaugural conference, we are implementing several improvements to the 2010 conference. Sessions will now be spread over a day and a half, to allow participants a better chance to absorb information and reflect on discussions. We've booked a larger facility more conducive to our format and will continue to offer two tracks focused on agriculture and turf/landscape issues respectively. Last year's event in Utah hosted irrigation and water professionals from across the country who acknowledged the importance of this subject: Mark your calendars and look for forthcoming details regarding this year's speakers and schedule. Visit www.irrigation.org