Prospects Good For U.S., Canada

Published online: Nov 07, 2002
Viewed 2025 time(s)
Hopes are high for United States and Canadian growers who met in Las Vegas this week to discuss production and trade.

The U.S.-Canadian Trade meeting brought together representatives from most growing areas who reported on their ’02 crops.

Prospects look good. It was determined there are no excess potatoes that could come into play and depress an already fair after-harvest market.

Some Canadian areas were reported to have been hit by both dry and wet conditions that will cut total production there. In addition, the Red River Valley and Wisconsin experienced weather-related factors that will keep supplies in control.

Not following the normal trend, fresh stock prices are remaining stable and even increasing as November marketing got under way. Prices are staying decent following an excellent close to ’01 crop marketing.

This could be a “first” for the industry—putting together three fairly decent marketing years—if price and quality hold.