Minn-Dak Chairman Announces Retirement

Published online: Jul 27, 2000
Viewed 1468 time(s)
President and CEO Larry D. Steward intends to retire Sept. 26.

Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative Chairman Victor Krabbenhoft has announced Larry D. Steward, president and CEO, intends to take early retirement effective Sept. 26, 2000.

"I know that all of us connected to Minn-Dak extend Larry and his family best wishes on his retirement. His contributions during his tenure at Minn-Dak are appreciated," Krabbenhoft said in a news release.

Steward was named president of the Wahpeton, ND,-based sugarbeet cooperative, in 1990. He was the cooperative's second president.

The board will appoint a search committee and name an interim president.