New Fry Oil Developed By Aussies

Published online: Jun 27, 2000
Viewed 1482 time(s)
Australian researchers have taken a step closer to the Holy Grail of the perfect potato chip.

Four years of intensive frying and consumer taste-testing at Food Science Australia have helped create healthier new frying oil that significantly outperforms other common oils in chip production.

The results of the research have been used by Ag-Seed Research PL and the Victorian Dept. of Natural Resources and Environment to breed a unique variety of canola, designed to produce oil-containing optimum levels of mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Nutrihealth Pty. Ltd is marketing the new oil as Monola.

Dr. Martin Palmer of Food Science Australia said Monola outperforms traditional frying oils in almost every aspect that is important to consumers.